YourINT SITREP (16 AUG 2023)
At Last, the Kraken Has Landed!
53 percent in new poll say they would not support Trump if he is GOP nominee
Trump’s 2024 collision: Court dates disrupt his campaign calendar
Ex-FBI counterintelligence official pleads guilty to conspiracy charge for helping Russian oligarch
Three Drones Downed in Central Russia's Kaluga Region
Vladimir Putin to hold meeting on Russian currency controls after rouble slide
Ukraine Rejects NATO Official's Comments on Ceding Territory for Alliance Membership
Poland launches construction of new frigates for navy
China stops releasing youth unemployment data after it hit consecutive record highs
Port call: China’s navy scouting range of sites for future overseas bases
GOP congressman says Chinese spies behind State Department hack also infiltrated his emails
Russian intelligence turning to sleeper cells and unofficial agents
SVR Chief: Europe Is Too Scary to Visit with its Rampant ‘Perversions’
So, did the NSA create Bitcoin?
Many are focusing on the wrong FISA fix
US Army set to test combined cyber, jamming, signal intelligence tool
North Korea asserts U.S. soldier who bolted into North ‘was disillusioned’
German intelligence service targets former boss — report
West Philly teen arrested in terrorism probe presented ‘a grave danger to everyone'
Terror suspect, 17, arrested at the seven-bedroom mansion of Philadelphia defense attorney
UN Experts: ISIS Group Still Has Thousands in Syria and Iraq and Poses Afghan Threat
U.S. Indicts Administrator of ‘Bulletproof’ Ransomware Service Provider
Congressional Report on Wildfires in Hawaii
Six strategic mistakes the U.S. made in Afghanistan
A fierce naval battle 35 years ago shows how destructive another US showdown with Iran could get