YourINT SITREP (22 MAR 2024)
Remembering Al Gray, SIGINT Warrior
USAF intel analyst shared NSA classified information on Discord, investigators say
Kremlin Says Russia in a ‘State of War’
Russia Launches Massive Assault on Ukraine's Power Infrastructure
Russian victory in Ukraine would leave Europe at Putin’s mercy
France’s president pounds a punching bag on camera, and Europe notices
EU leaders call for Gaza cease-fire amid ‘humanitarian tragedy’
Poll: Most Americans say Israel’s war is valid, but only 38% approve of conduct
Mossad chief heads to Doha as US said to pressure mediators to speed up hostage talks
Russia and China strike deal with Houthis to ensure ship safety
Taiwan MoD detects 32 PLA aircraft around Taiwan
Use 'hedge forces' to break the Pentagon's force-structure death spiral
TikTok's addictive algorithm: 17% of kids scroll app "almost constantly"
Left-wing group rushing to defend TikTok raked in cash from app
The Kremlin's Weaponization of Disinformation
Russia's lies helped persuade Niger to eject US troops, AFRICOM says
Spain denies Morocco had spied on its leaders
National Guard ready to assist states with cyber response, say officials
Canadian Forces wants to expand offensive cyber capabilities
FBI headquarters funding draws sharp backlash from conservatives
Israel Police, Shin Bet foil suicide terror attack in the West Bank
After Iran-Backed Synagogue Plot, Calls to Close Tehran’s Embassy in Berlin
US Officials Warn of Heightened Terrorism Threat from Iran
On the Horizon: The Future of the Jihadi Movement
Yazidi women tell of harrowing rape, abuse at hands of ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi
How Operation Shujaa Degraded the Islamic State’s Congolese Propaganda Output
MS-13 leader, one of FBI’s most wanted fugitives, arrested at California-Mexico border
Mexican cartel targeting retirees and their timeshares
Chinese Wind Farms in Bosnia Spotlight Clash of Interests, Corruption in the Heart of the Balkans
Italy Busts Group that Supplied Prisoners with Drugs, Weapons, Phones via Drones